Friday Blog Scan: Things we liked from the week that was

Mother nature partnered with the economy to test our mettle Monday as we began the week with a severe snow storm that kept us all working at home, connected through the web. Nothing keeps the BH&GRE team down!

Now, the blogs:

What good is posting blogs, video, etc., if they are not being viewed, spread and read? Adam Singer from the TheFutureBuzz offers 10 Secrets for creating viral content.

Louis Cammarosano, GM of HomeGain, offers a lighthearted insight into social media in his post titled “If you are not getting much business from Twitter or Facebook…

Slightly off topic but yet very poignant: Charlie Rose interviews Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. The focus here is how Amazon rebounded from its stock crash of 2001, reinventing and repositioning who they are and what they do. This is an inspired discussion worth watching.

More cool and innovative things are happening up North and across the border. Ubertor Real Estate Blog held a Real Estate Technology Meetup this week. The featured speaker was Ian Watt, the Vancouver Realtor known for his spontaneous video blogs taken from his car while driving around the city. This post features his presentation in full titled  “The Death of the Old School Realtor

Crazy Egg will help you improve the design of your site by showing you where people are clicking and where they are not. Eric Richardson published a good read on it at GeekEstate titled Like a Heat Seeking Missile for an Effective Website.

Until next week…

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