The REport

After all of the pre-game buzz, did you think the advertisements during the Super Bowl lived up to the hype? Some were controversial (Groupon’s play on the political oppression of the Tibetan people), some were cute (Careerbuilder’s car-driving chimpanzees) and others geeky (Volkswagen’s mini Darth Vader). According to USA Today, though, Bud Light and Doritos tie for the best of ads of the night. Do you agree?

Ads, of course, aim to gain recognition and increase brand loyalty. Speaking of loyalty, a new survey out this week found that of all social media channels, Facebook has the most loyal and engaged consumers. Twitter, interestingly, comes in fifth.

After a very public “break up” in 2004 that ended 43 years together, Barbie and Ken may be reuniting. The doll’s manufacturer, Mattel, is drumming up serious conversation on Facebook and Twitter on whether such a reunion should happen. This is a great example of a social media campaign targeted at a loyal customer base involving a blitz on all major fronts: a dedicated website, Twitter, Facebook, FourSquare, and Hulu. Do you think Ken can win Barbie back?

For all of you foodies out there, grab your aprons! A new social network, Foodily, has launched. The site indexes millions of recipes from hundreds of websites, and lets users see recipes that their friends like and create events on Facebook to make planning for parties and dinners easier, according to USA Today. Are your knives sharpened?

If you prefer Monet to Emeril Lagasse, Google rolled out its Art Project, essentially a “Google Street View” for many of the world’s renowned art museums. What tour will you go on first?

If you are inspired to update your status at 30,000 feet, you are in luck. Gogo Inflight Internet and Ford have teamed up with major airlines to offer free in-flight Facebook access this month. Happy flying!

If reading the newspaper overwhelms you because of content-overload, The New York Times has rolled out a recommended stories page. According to Mashable, it “lists 20 recommended articles alongside personal data about the sections and topics one reads most often, suggesting that content is suggested based on those criteria rather than, for example, keywords.”  Check it out!

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